Nyack to Newtown Creek. Patrol the creek with RvK staff, two still photographers and a MTV video crew. There is a lot of oil and sheen on the creek today.
Looking down over the deck edge at oil on Newtown Creek.
Trash, tires and debris falling (or being pushed) into Newtown Creek from a property owned by New York City. Riverkeeper is contactig the MTA which occupies the site.
DEC Fisheries staff with their sturgeon tracking hydrphone on deck.
Nyack to Hastings. Assist staff from the NYS DEC Fisheries Unit to retrieve a sturgeon tracking hydrophone and its mooring. The float buoy had separated from the instrument which was lying on the bottom. The DEC is studying the feeding, spawning and wintering grounds of Atlantic Sturgeon to better protect them.
Patrol the Croton River at the Metro North rail yard. Oil is percolating out of the sediment at a storm drain which runs under the railroad property. Riverkeeper has begun investigation/discussion with Metro North.
A fisherman catching bait fish at the Orangetown sewer outfall. This plant is in violation and discharges "material" which attracts small bait fish.
Outing on the Tappan Zee with several new “Watchdogs” and Sabrina, our watchdog coordinator. Patrol Grandview, Piermont and the combined Orangetown / S. Rockland sewage treatment discharges near Piermont Pier.
GE Silicones discharge at Waterford and the DEC pollution discharge permit sign. The discharge smelled like a laudromat.
Also patrol Fiona Island with the skiff. It’s a small island on the Hudson north of Waterford which was willed to RK several years ago as nature habitat – no problems noted.
Early morning on Moodna Creek looking south at Storm King Mountain.
A man hole to access the sewer main which runs under/through the marsh at Moodna Creek.
Patrol Moodna Creek with the skiff – we’ve had numerous reports of untreated sewage in this creek but there is none today. Afterwards, continue with the “Fletcher” north to Catskill. Air temperatures are over 100 degrees today and a swarm of small, heat crazed biting flies followed the boat all the way. We’re dreaming of winter.
Patrol from Nyack to Garrison with Columbia University/ Lamont-Doherty microbiologists aboard to measure various water quality indicators including bacteria from sewage. This is the start of a pilot program to determine whether “real time” water quality monitoring is feasible using Riverkeeper’s patrol boat.